Katrina Walker
Katrina Walker is the CEO and Founder of CodeOp, a venture-backed ed-tech company on a mission to diversify tech. CodeOp has supported thousands of women, trans and nonbinary people from over 90 different countries worldwide to get the skills they need to thrive in the tech industry through game changing partnerships with corporations, governments and organizations.
Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Katrina immigrated to Barcelona in 2016 to start work as a Data Scientist first at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and later on the central data science team at eDreams. She's been a startup mentor for UNDP and 4YFN's Women Innovators Programme and currently sits on the advisory board for FAO's Informal Private Sector Advisory Group. In 2023 the EU-Startups nominated her as a "TOP 100: Europe’s most influential women in the startup and venture capital space.